Training: Human rights due diligence in business operations

The Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) training aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of respecting human rights in corporate operations. By participating in this training, participants are expected to grasp the steps involved in implementing human rights principles, starting from identifying, addressing, preventing, mitigating, and remedying human rights abuses within their company’s operations.

Participants will delve into materials on sustainable business practices and human rights principles, study the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), and learn how to conduct self-assessments of their company’s human rights policies and practices. Additionally, they will gain insights into developing recommendations for HRDD implementation.


(Training name)



(What will be learned)


(What will be gained)

Human rights due diligence training (HRDD) based on UNGPs, PRISMA, HRIA etc.

Cultivating corporate awareness and commitment to establishing internal processes for conducting Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) that adhere to the standards, principles, and criteria set forth by sustainability platforms such as RSPO and ISPO.

  • Introduction to sustainability and human rights
  • Introduction of UNGPs
  • Human rights due diligence (HRDD)
  • Self-assessment of the effectiveness of policies to respect human rights
  • Preparation of HRDD implementation recommendations
  • Participants grasp the importance of respecting human rights in sustainable business.
  • Participants can identify, reference, and understand the implications of compliance with human rights standards and regulations on business sustainability and corporate reputation.
  • The participant is able to identify the human rights impacts of business activities, particularly in relation to the commodity supply chain.
  • Participants can develop appropriate terms of reference for conducting a human rights due diligence.
3 days