How does CRU Indonesia receive and acquire cases to handle?

16 June 2019

1. Case intake system 

  • So far, CRU Indonesia has handled conflicts at the request of other institutions authorised to resolve the conflict. In the future, CRU as an independent organisation will develop its own case acceptance system and conflict parties can directly contact CRU Indonesia.
  • As not all cases can be handled, the case intake system also includes a method of screening and assessing cases through pre-assessment using several conflict eligibility criteria, including the readiness and commitment of the parties; the adequacy of information, the distribution, extent and intensity of the conflict; the strategic value and potential benefits and positive impact of resolving the conflict in question, etc.
  • If a conflict cannot be resolved, CRU Indonesia will refer the conflict back to the parties with recommendations for other methods of resolution, with the final decision being the authority of the complainant.

2. Case Tracking Management System

  • Once a case is received and started, the case information is entered into a case tracking system that helps CRU Indonesia’s management to follow all stages and steps of the case and assess the managerial interventions required.

3. How many conflict cases has CRU Indonesia handled, and in which areas? What was the outcome?

  • During its work in the last five years CRU Indonesia has handled 30 cases spread across several regions in Indonesia, with the following details: Jambi four cases, East Java nine cases, South Kalimantan two cases, East Kalimantan five cases, West Nusa Tenggara seven cases, South Sulawesi one case, Southeast Sulawesi one policy case, and Papua one case.
  • The results were mixed; most cases were resolved with an agreement between the conflicting parties, some cases were returned to the conflicting parties with recommendations for resolution other than mediation. There were also cases where CRU Indonesia’s mediation efforts stopped when the parties decided to negotiate directly.
  • It should be noted that CRU Indonesia realizes that reaching an agreement between the parties is only half of the journey as a conflict can only be truly resolved when the agreement is actually implemented.

4. Cases that CRU Indonesia cannot handle (Negative list of case handling)

Not all types of cases can be handled by CRU Indonesia. It is CRU Indonesia’s policy not to handle the following conflict cases:

  • Cases related to serious criminality. Such cases require the involvement of law enforcement officials and may only be dealt with after the criminal case has been resolved.
  • Cases relating to National Strategic Projects (PSN), Special Economic Zones (KEK), National Strategic Zones (KSN), and Industrial Zones (KI).
  • Cases relating to mining license areas