Global law firm K&L Gates LLP successfully represented Vestergaard Frandsen Inc. (d/b/a LifeStraw) in a patent infringement case brought by Clorox Co.’s Brita LP in the US International Trade Commission (ITC). Brita sought an exclusion order preventing LifeStraw from importing its home gravity-fed water filter line of products into the […]
Read MoreCountry: World Source: Pan American Health Organization Minorities are among those for which socioeconomic disadvantages, combined with racial and gender discrimination, are disproportionately impacting their health and well-being.
Read MorePeople in New Orleans are preparing for the impacts of salt water intrusion caused by the 2023 summer drought in the United States, though sea level rise and other climate impacts also are raising the salt-water risk for agricultural loss and drinking water access around the world. With New Orleans, […]
Read MoreWhen addressing food insecurity, it’s clear that insufficient food production isn’t the problem. According to FAO estimates, Latin America and the Caribbean could feed over 1.3 billion people, twice their population. Credit: Riccardo De Luca / FAO By Mario LubetkinSANTIAGO, Sep 29 2023 (IPS) In recent years, the population of […]
Read MoreEvery Child Matters: Defining What Orange Shirt Day Means Country Canada agnes Fri, 09/29/2023 – 09:46 Issues Human Rights Program 5 Main Image By Sarah Rain (Anishinaabe) and Miriam Abel (CS Intern) This article shares the history of Indian residential schools in Canada and the colonial violence that harmed Indigenous […]
Read MoreSeptember 29, 2023, Washington D.C. – The current state of the global food system is increasingly being acknowledged as unsustainable, with far-reaching consequences for the environment and public health.
Read MoreMining companies may soon be faced with the results of the first comprehensive review of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the JORC Code or the Code) in 11 years. The revised draft will be open for consultation so reporting companies should be […]
Read MorePhoto: Pixabay/milkyway1315 Deforestation can lead to the spread of pathogens as wild animals infected with them often end up being in closer proximity to people and their livestock. But there are other ways in which pathogens can spread, involving vectors such as mosquitoes. The destruction of tropical rainforests harms the […]
Read MoreBy Mariela JaraLIMA, Sep 28 2023 (IPS) Nearly 700,000 people have migrated internally in Peru due to the effects of climate change. This mass displacement is a clear problem in this South American country, one of the most vulnerable to the global climate crisis due to its biodiversity, geography and […]
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