South Asian countries grappling with the erosion of democratic norms, growing authoritarianism, the crackdown on freedom of press, speech and dissent, a report by Human Rights Watch says. Credit: 2017 Paula Bronstein for Human Rights Watch By Sania FarooquiNew Delhi, Jan 21 2022 (IPS) As countries across South Asia continue […]
Read MoreCountries: Cameroon, Chad Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees In just two weeks, tens of thousands of people fled into Chad or were displaced within Cameroon. The December clashes followed similar violence in August 2021, when 23,000 people were displaced.
Read MoreA 57-year-old Tongan man being hailed a real-life Aquaman for surviving 27 hours at sea after Saturday’s devastating tsunami struck his island said he went under nine times before latching onto a log and making it to safety.
Read MorePhoto: Public Domain Pictures/Sheila Brown The widespread use of chemical fertilizers has been detrimental to the environment in many areas of the world, leading to various forms of soil, water and air pollution. Yet simple changes in agricultural practices can work wonders when it comes to reducing our dependence on […]
Read MoreAddressing post-pandemic rise in food insecurity (Financial Express) Jan 19, 2022 Dec 28, 2021 pfowlkes Wed, 01/19/2022 – 15:26 Addressing post-pandemic rise in food insecurity (Financial Express) Addressing post-pandemic rise in food insecurity (Financial Express) Bangladesh In the News Food Security Resilience COVID-19 Financial Express published an editorial stating that […]
Read MoreDelivery of syringes for the vaccination campaign in El Salvador. Latin American countries have made steady progress in immunizing their populations, partly through direct negotiations between their governments and suppliers and partly through international cooperation. CREDIT: PAHO By Humberto MárquezCARACAS, Jan 20 2022 (IPS) The Covax initiative, the hope of […]
Read MoreMusibah banjir melanda sejumlah desa di Kecamatan Grogol, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur, membuat aktivitas warga sempat terganggu karena genangan air masuk ke dalam rumah. Kepala Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) …
Read MoreCountry: World Source: World Health Organization Newly reported cases fell by 20% in the week to 16 January, while deaths dropped by 8%. If the trend continues, the surge in deaths will also be the shortest reported so far during this pandemic.
Read MoreThe first contactless aid flights arrived in disaster-hit Tonga on Thursday, as the coronavirus-free Pacific island nation takes precautions to keep the virus out of its borders in the wake of a devastating volcanic eruption and tsunami.
Read MorePhoto: Pixabay/homecare119 Picture a mature, broad-branched tree like an oak, maple or fig. How does it reproduce so that its offspring don’t grow up in its shadow, fighting for light? The answer is seed dispersal. Plants have evolved many strategies for spreading their seeds away from the parent plant. Some […]
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