Opinion: Enormous Tonga volcano eruption was once-in-a-millennium event
Read MoreCountries: Jordan, Lebanon, occupied Palestinian territory, Syrian Arab Republic Source: UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East The 2022 budget proposal comes as UNRWA confronts a chronic funding shortfall that undermines its effort to provide humanitarian and development support to some of the world’s most […]
Read MorePhoto: Pixabay/flyerwerk As the race is on for ample clean energy sources to mitigate climate change, hydrogen is being seen as a promising source of renewable energy. Green hydrogen emits no carbon, but there is a downside: its production remains complex and costly. Scientists worldwide are working on more efficient […]
Read MoreBy Patricia ScotlandGEORGETOWN, Guyana, Jan 17 2022 (IPS) If the ocean is the lifeblood of the Commonwealth, then forests are the lungs that breathe life into its whole system. From the vast boreal woodlands of Canada to the rich primary forests of Papua New Guinea, the Commonwealth covers nearly a […]
Read MoreLembaga nonprofit Ecological Observation and Wetlands Conservation (ECOTON) mengumumkan hasil penelitian mereka terhadap kondisi dan tingkat pencemaran sungai di Tulungagung, Jawa Timur, yang sudah masuk kategori stadium berat …
Read MoreCountries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO says $138 million is urgently needed to assist 1.5 million vulnerable people in rural communities in the Horn of Africa whose fields and pastures have been hard hit by an extended drought.
Read MoreOne of the most powerful weapons in the US Navy’s arsenal made a rare port call in Guam over the weekend, sending a message to allies and foes amid increasing tensions in the Indo-Pacific, analysts said.
Read MorePhoto: Pixabay/StockSnap Sustainability has been a pressing issue for decades and many industries are trying to adopt sustainable practices to lessen their carbon footprint, be more eco-friendly and improve the environment. One industry that is becoming increasingly sustainable is manufacturing. There are many benefits to reap by adopting these practices, […]
Read MorePeristiwa planet sejajar hingga gerhana bulan termasuk dalam beberapa fenomena astronomi menarik yang dapat disaksikan sepanjang 2022. Catat tanggal berikut ini agar tidak terlewat menyaksikannya.
Read MoreCountries: Fiji, Samoa, Tonga Source: UN Children’s Fund After weeks of volcanic activity, the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano erupted violently, which generated a 1.2-metre tsunami that crashed ashore in coastal areas of Tonga’s capital.
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