Source: International Crisis Group Country: Afghanistan The Afghan government blamed Taliban violence for keeping Afghans from reaching the polls. Although there were no mass-casualty incidents, the AAN has counted about 400 smaller attacks. Afghanistan’s fourth presidential election since 2001 brought perhaps 26 per cent of the electorate to the polls. […]
Read MoreGubernur Sulawesi Selatan HM Nurdin Abdullah dijadwalkan menghadiri workshop yang digelar Lembaga Swadaya masyarakat (LSM) Burung yang bergerak dibidang pelestarian burung liar dan habitatnya di Makassar, Rabu (2/10). LSM …
Read MoreUsually there are only seven human cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) reported in the United States each year. The virus is a rare cause of brain infections almost always found in eastern parts of the U.S. or along the Gulf Coast, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control […]
Read MorePro-kontra rencana revisi UU ketenagakerjaan dari pengusaha dan buruh.
Read MoreSrinivas Tata, is Director, Social Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Eduardo Klien, is Regional Director, Asia, HelpAge International By Srinivas Tata and Eduardo KlienBANGKOK, Thailand, Oct 1 2019 (IPS) As we are celebrating the International Day of Older Persons today, […]
Read MoreResearch Post October 1, 2019 Informal traders in Africa’s cities: Coopted, coerced or just neglected? Danielle Resnick The complex political dynamics behind government crackdowns on food vendors.
Read MoreSource: World Health Organization Country: World Con ocasión del Día Internacional de las Personas de Edad, que se celebra el 1 de octubre, la OMS presenta un conjunto de herramientas que incluye una aplicación digital para guiar a los trabajadores sanitarios y sociales. Con ocasión del Día Internacional de las […]
Read MoreTaryn Jacob is an entrepreneur with a cause. The young American started Nada Bottle, a small venture that seeks to help tackle the scourge of plastic waste on beaches while also raising money to bring clean water to needy people in developing countries. She is doing this by giving travelers […]
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