Warga Kota Banjarbaru mulai merasakan udara tak sehat dengan terciumnya asap akibat terbakarnya lahan di sejumlah titik. Seperti diutarakan Nurul Huda. Warga di Komplek Putra Manunggal RT 28, Kelurahan Syamsudin Noor, …
Read MoreA group of Brazilian women who traveled to South Korea hoping to join its multibillion-dollar K-pop industry instead found themselves trafficked into prostitution, according to South Korean police.
Read MorePresident Donald Trump’s special envoy for Afghanistan said Monday that the US and the Taliban have reached an agreement “in principle,” pending final approval by the President.
Read MoreConsider this: Just five countries account for most of of the plastic trash that ends up in the oceans. The five leading plastic polluters – China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Sri Lanka (in that order) – dump more plastic waste into the seas than the rest of the world combined. […]
Read MoreSource: UN Office of the SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict Country: Central African Republic L’Unité pour la paix en Centrafrique (UPC) s’engage à prendre une série de mesures visant à mettre un terme aux violations graves et à les prévenir, notamment par la libération de tous les enfants associés. […]
Read MoreBanggar dan pemerintah menyepakati anggaran subsidi energi untuk tahun 2020 sebesar Rp 124,87 triliun.
Read MoreANTARA – BPBD Kalimantan Selatan mendapatkan tambahan satu helikopter water bombing untuk memaksimalkan upaya pemadaman kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang terus meluas. Saat ini lima helikopter dioperasikan dengan frekuensi …
Read MoreResearch Post September 3, 2019 Will genetic engineering contribute to disease-resistant crops, and who will benefit? Kevin V. Pixley Jose B. Falck-Zepeda Emerging genetic engineering technologies have enormous potential for agriculture. But how to ensure the benefits reach farmers in middle- and low-income countries?
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