To have net zero emissions we must lower our energy needs

22 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Reaching net zero carbon emissions will require a new energy-industrial revolution, but this needs to focus on reducing energy demands alongside a rapid expansion of low-carbon energy supplies. Following the recommendations of the Committee on Climate Change, the United Kingdom’s government has endorsed a legal target of reducing the UK’s […]

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KPGB lakukan gerakan “Explore 7 Summit of Batang”

21 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Komunitas Pendaki Gunung Batang Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah melakukan gerakan “Explore 7 summit of Batang” yang bertujuan memperkenalkan potensi tujuh puncak gunung yang dimiliki di wilayah setempat. Ketua KPGB …

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RUU Pesantren, upaya negara mengakui eksistensi pendidikan pondok pesantren

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Bagi kalangan pesantren, RUU Pesantren ini penting untuk kemajuan pesantren ke depannya.

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Eight water facilities come under attack in Idlib, northwest Syria, affecting water supply for nearly 250,000 people

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Source: UN Children’s Fund Country: Syrian Arab Republic Public services, critical for children, have come under attack in the past weeks as a result of fighting in northwest Syria. From Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa AMMAN, 20 July 2019- “Public services, critical for […]

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BMKG ingatkan gelombang tinggi di sejumlah perairan di Indonesia

20 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) mengeluarkan informasi peringatan dini atas potensi terjadinya gelombang tinggi air laut di sejumlah perairan di Indonesia pada Minggu (21/7). Sebagaimana dirilis BMKG dalam …

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Bos Lippo James Riady kunjungi para pengungsi migran pencari suaka

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

James Riady memantau kondisi para pengungsi migran pencari suaka yang ada di Jalan Bedugul, kompleks Daan Mogot Baru Kelideres

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We could save a giant ice sheet by blasting it with snow

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

“We are already at a point of no return if we don’t do anything,” stresses climate scientist Anders Levermann. He’s referring to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, a giant swathe of continental ice sheet that covers West Antarctica. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is in the process of melting fast […]

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Japan election: Surge of women candidates could reshape male-dominated parliament

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

One of the world’s most unequal parliaments could be about to get a lot more female, or … maybe not.

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Light pollution affects clownfish that live on coral reefs

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

If you’ve seen the movie “Finding Nemo” or its charming sequel, then you’re probably familiar with the clownfish in the film. In real life, though, Nemo’s counterparts live in coral reefs threatened by climate change, and now researchers have found a new challenge for the little fish to face: light […]

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Buy American III: How Does The Latest “Buy American” Executive Order Affect Government Contractors And Their Supply Chains?

Asupan Warta 0 Comment