Droughts leave millions food insecure in Zimbabwe, UN food agency scales up assistance

20 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Source: UN News Service Country: Zimbabwe Assistance aims to reach 1.2 million people – 900,000 of whom live in areas affected by Cyclone Idai, 100,000 in areas affected by Cyclone Kenneth and 250,000 in areas affected by the drought. Citing the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee’s recently concluded Rural Livelihood Assessment, […]

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BPPT dapat tugas fokus TMC untuk antisipasi karhutla

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Badan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi (BPPT) akan fokus melaksanakan Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca (TMC) di sejumlah provinsi rawan terjadi kebakaran hutan dan lahan guna mengatasi asap yang menimbulkan ISPA hingga …

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Ini alasan komedian Nunung dan suaminya konsumsi shabu

19 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Ini alasan komedian Nunung dan suaminya konsumsi shabu

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Will a Global Fund Help Deliver UN’s Development Agenda?

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

By Thalif DeenUNITED NATIONS, Jul 19 2019 (IPS) The United Nations, which has been tracking both the successes and failures of its highly-ambitious Agenda for Sustainable Development, has warned that “progress has been slow” in many of the 17 Goals after four years of implementation. Described as “a global blueprint […]

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The Energizer – Volume 48

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Illegal fishing endangers both ecosystems and food security

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Just as in sport, so in environmental protection, receiving a yellow card is an indication that you’ve committed a bad foul. You’ve been issued a warning to mend your ways. The European Union hands out yellow cards to countries that it considers to be in violation of sustainable fishing practices. […]

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UNICEF scaling up emergency response to children and families affected by monsoon rains in South Asia

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Source: UN Children’s Fund Country: Bangladesh, India, Nepal Heavy rainfall, flooding and landslides across three countries in South Asia – Nepal, India, and Bangladesh – have killed at least 93 children, and put the lives of millions more at risk. UNICEF scaling up emergency response to support children and families […]

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Parts of Kenya are Already Above 1.5˚C

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Research shows goats and sheep populations in Kenya have increased as the country’s temperatures have increased, in some places above 1.5˚C. Credit: Isaiah Esipisu/IPS By Isaiah EsipisuNAIROBI, Jul 18 2019 (IPS) Kenya’s getting hotter. Much hotter than the 1.5˚C increase that has been deemed acceptable by global leaders, and it […]

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Musim kemarau kok suhu dingin? BMKG ungkap penyebabnya dry intrution

18 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Fenomena dry intrusion atau intrusi udara kering juga sangat berpengaruh menjadikan suhu dingin.

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If We All Ate Enough Fruits And Vegetables, There’d Be Big Shortages (NPR)

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Jul 17, 2019 In the News If We All Ate Enough Fruits And Vegetables, There’d Be Big Shortages (NPR) Nutrition Agriculture Production NPR reported a projected fruit and vegetable shortages compared to recommended consumption at global and national levels based on a study by IFPRI Senior Scientist Timothy Sulser and Senior […]

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