Susi inginkan Perda Sampah Plastik

18 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

ANTARA – Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti prihatin dengan tercatatnya Indonesia sebagai penyumbang sampah plastik terbesar ke dua dunia. Oleh sebab itu, dari Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas, Kepri, Menteri Susi …

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K&L Gates Deepens Real Estate Practice with Addition of London Partner Pair

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Biodiversity ‘hot spots’ in Asia-Pacific are under threat, endangering critical safeguards for food security and livelihoods

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

The Asia-Pacific region has some of the world’s richest concentrations of earth’s biological diversity, but human activities, including the expansion of agriculture, are threatening the survival of many species and their ecosystem services, a conference on regional biodiversity mainstreaming heard today. Asia and the Pacific is home to nearly half […]

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Foreign Advisers to Gain a New Indirect Route to Chinese Private Pension Fund Money

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Myanmar’s countryside is emptying and its cities bursting (The Economist)

17 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Jul 11, 2019 In the News Myanmar Myanmar’s countryside is emptying and its cities bursting (The Economist) Conflict and Migration Poverty The Economist reported on the impact of domestic migration on urban and rural economies in Myanmar. The article described how the influx of migrants after a 2008 cyclone has […]

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Mendagri sebut wali kota Tangerang tak etis, minta gubernur Banten tengahi

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Mendagri sebut wali kota Tangerang tak etis, minta gubernur Banten tengahi

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The Road to Zero Hunger

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Local school children eat their meals at the Ban Bor Primary School in Xay District, Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Credit: FAO/Manan Vatsyayana By Lakshi De Vass GunawardenaUNITED NATIONS, Jul 17 2019 (IPS) Over 820 million people across the globe are currently undernourished, according to a new report released here. After […]

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Numerosos venezolanos en Centroamérica y el Caribe están en riesgo de trata, explotación y discriminación

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Source: International Organization for Migration Country: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Uno de cada cinco venezolanos que han llegado recientemente a Centroamérica y el Caribe se enfreanta a alto riesgo de explotación laboral o trata, según una encuesta reciente de la OIM. […]

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BPPT upayakan pengembangan PLTSA ramah lingkungan

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Kepala Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) Hammam Riza mengatakan BPPT berupaya mengkaji teknologi yang ramah lingkungan dalam mengembangkan pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah (PLTSa).  “Kegunaan …

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Toxic indoor air remains a grave health risk in India

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Air pollution is a killer. Millions of people around the world die of causes related to toxic air while millions of others end up suffering severe health problems from pulmonary diseases to miscarriages. One way to escape from chronic air pollution is to stay indoors. But what happens when the […]

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