Karawang bangun tiga penampungan air atasi kekeringan

14 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Kebersihan Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat, membangun penampung air hujan di tiga titik untuk mengatasi persoalan kekeringan yang rutin terjadi setiap tahun di wilayah tersebut.  “Ini …

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Membaca potensi menteri yang bertahan dan tersingkir dari kabinet Jokowi

13 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Membaca potensi menteri yang bertahan dan hengkang dari kabinet Jokowi.

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Over 200,000 children to be vaccinated against polio in Angola

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Source: Government of Angola Country: Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo Three-day vaccination campaign starts in the province of Lunda Norte to stop the spread of the epidemic from neighbourhood Democratic Republic of the Congo. Cambulo – At least 205,688 children between the ages of zero and five, out of […]

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ASEAN Enunciates Indo-Pacific Vision of Inclusiveness and Cooperation

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World’s largest seaweed bloom threatens marine life

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Scientists say they’ve discovered the largest recurring algae bloom in the world, and it stretches from the coast of West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico with no signs that the “new normal” pattern will stop anytime soon. The research team, led by scientists at the University of South Florida […]

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How NGOs in Rich Countries Control their Counterparts in Poor Countries..and Why they Refuse to Resolve it

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The post How NGOs in Rich Countries Control their Counterparts in Poor Countries..and Why they Refuse to Resolve it appeared first on Inter Press Service. Excerpt: Paul Okumu is head of secretariat for the Africa Platform on Governance, Responsible Business and the Social Contract. He is also head of strategy […]

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V4CP meeting: The power of hard evidence in impacting systems change

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Event Post July 12, 2019 V4CP meeting: The power of hard evidence in impacting systems change Zala Zbogar Lessons on collaborative research from an IFPRI-SNV partnership working in six countries.

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BKSDA kirim 6 ekor komodo ke Pulau Ontoloe

12 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Balai konservasi sumber daya alam (BKSDA) Jatim mengirimkan enam ekor Biawak komodo (Varanus komodoensis) ke Pulau Ontoloe, Kabupaten Ngada, Flores NTT untuk selanjutnya dilepasliarkan ke habitat aslinya. Direktur Jenderal …

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Demi Cak Imin jadi Ketua MPR, PKB mulai lobi parpol lain

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

PKB melobi sejumlah fraksi partai politik demi mendukung ketua umumnya, Muhaimin Iskandar sebagai Ketua MPR

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“One WHO approach” to boost malaria elimination efforts in Africa

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Source: World Health Organization Country: World The approach was the focus of the 2019 coordination meeting between WHO in the African Region and The Global Malaria Programme, aiming to build synergies between operations. Brazzaville, 08 July 2019 – Although there has been progress in reducing malaria in Africa, most notably […]

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