Banyak permintaan, para elite parpol dinilai hambat rekonsiliasi

10 Juli 2019 Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Banyak permintaan, para elite parpol dinilai hambat rekonsiliasi

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KPK mengaku belum terima salinan putusan MA membebaskan Syafruddin Temenggung

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

KPK mengaku belum terima salinan putusan MA membebaskan Syafruddin Temenggung

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At least 25 children hospitalised after Ghazni car bomb attack in Afghanistan

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Source: Save the Children Country: Afghanistan Afghanistan is one of the most dangerous places in the world for children, with 8 out of 10 conflict-related child casualties caused by explosive weapons. According to sources on the ground at least 25 children were among the estimated 50 civilians injured following a […]

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Terrorism ‘spreading and destabilizing’ entire regions, warns Guterres

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Source: UN News Service Country: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, World The deteriorating situation in the Sahel and “increasing risks” in West Africa are deeply concerning. There is an urgent need for the international community to support member states in this region. “Trauma from terrorism” hurts families, communities and […]

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Up to 202,000 people have fled violence in Mali since January – a six-fold increase on 2018

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Source: Norwegian Refugee Council Country: Mali Inter-ethnic attacks are causing a spike in humanitarian needs, especially protection and psycho-social support for women and children traumatised and shocked by what they witnessed. The ongoing cycle of attacks and retaliation between communities in central and northern Mali is taking a toll on […]

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Bangladesh is our best teacher in climate change adaptation: UN ex-chief Ban Ki-moon

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Former United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-moon speaks at a programme on climate change in Dhaka on Wednesday, July 10, 2019. Photo grabbed from Facebook live video/ Ashraful Alam Khokan, Deputy Press Secretary To the Honorable Prime minister at Prime Minister’s Office By Star Online ReportJul 10 2019 (IPS-Partners) (The […]

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BRG janjikan restorasi berlanjut dan buktikan nol karhutla

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Kepala Badan Restorasi Gambut (BRG) Nazir Foead mengajak masyarakat menjaga gambut dan membuktikan restorasi mampu menekan jumlah titik api hingga mencapai nol kebakaran hutan dan lahan sehingga program dapat …

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Petani Nunukan khawatirkan penyakit mengancam rumput laut

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Penyakit yang mengancam budidaya rumput laut menyebabkan petani di Kabupaten Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara khawatir dan resah. Kamaruddin, seorang pembudidaya rumput laut di Kampung Mamolo Kabupaten Nunukan, Rabu, menuturkan …

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Menteri LHK targetkan 23 persen penggunaan EBT pada 2025

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Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan RI Siti Nubaya Bakar optimistis target 23 persen penggunaan energi baru terbarukan (EBT) dapat tercapai pada 2025. “Angka 23 persen dalam catatan listrik sudah dicapai 11,7 persen, …

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In Era of Reform, Ethiopia Still Reverts to Old Tactics to Censor Press

Asupan Warta 0 Comment

Ethiopians read newspapers in Addis Ababa on June 24. Following what the government refers to as a failed attempted coup, access to the internet was cut and journalists were arrested. (Reuters/Tiksa Negeri) By Muthoki MumoNAIROBI, Jul 10 2019 (IPS) On June 22, Ethiopia was plunged into an internet blackout following […]

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