Data is of paramount importance in tackling agrarian and natural resource conflicts. It constitutes the foundation of the information to be included in a conflict grievance report. The presence of adequate data, which has been sufficiently verified, will assist the concerned parties, mediators, and relevant authorities in comprehending the dispute […]
Read MoreIt is undeniable that agrarian and natural resource conflicts are an unavoidable aspect of the development process in Indonesia. Consequently, it is essential to incorporate efforts to address such conflicts into the enabling environment for equitable, inclusive and sustainable development in Indonesia. When it comes to conflict management, it is […]
Read MoreIn order to address land and natural resource conflicts, it is sometimes the case that the resulting peace agreement cannot be implemented straight away, especially when the implementation of the agreement necessitates the recognition of the state. It can be challenging to ensure state legitimacy for peace agreements on the […]
Read MoreCRU found that one of the factors influencing efforts to address land and natural resource conflicts in Indonesia is the quality of the relationship between the conflict management organization and the parties to the conflict and the government agencies that have authority over the conflict being addressed. Often, conflict resolution […]
Read MoreIn organizational work involving multiple parties, including conflict resolution, facilitation, discussion and negotiation work is commonplace, including at CRU. In order to run in an orderly, smooth and purposeful manner, a discussion and negotiation is usually guided by a facilitator. The facilitator will help oversee the discussion so that it […]
Read MoreDear friends, we often get the question “what are the main prerequisites that must be met for the feasibility of an effort to manage conflict through mediation?” And how to fulfill those prerequisites to make the conflict resolution process more effective? There are many prerequisites that must be met and […]
Read MoreRepresentatives of the conflicting parties are required in each mediation of agrarian or natural wealth conflicts. Representation is necessary since the conflicts are generally concerning the interests of various parties whose number can be quite large, while it is practically impossible to involve them directly in negotiations. Representatives who are […]
Read MoreWhen dealing with conflicts over land and natural resources, CRU is often faced with an assumption that we, who come as the organizers of conflict resolution initiatives, are also providers of solutions that can solve problems for the conflicting parties. Our fellow mediators who work with us in the field […]
Read MoreIt is indisputable that the role of the mediator in the process of conflict resolution through mediation is crucial. However, one question that comes up is, what is the extent of the role of a mediator or mediation agency in a conflict resolution process? This is a question that we […]
Read MoreWhen mediation is believed to be an alternative worthy of consideration as an effective method of handling agrarian and natural resource conflicts, the availability of reliable and qualified mediators is a must. However, although several institutions have conducted training for mediators, currently the actual number and capacity of mediators are […]
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