CRU’s governance consists of the Supervisory Board, Governing Board, Executive Body, and Association Members.
CRU’s governance consists of the Supervisory Board, Governing Board, Executive Body, and Association Members.
Arief Wicaksono has served as Director of the Conflict Resolution Unit since September 2018. However, Arief has been involved in the CRU development process through strategic planning activities, capacity building processes and project improvement plans (PIP). Arief has more than 25 years of experience in policies related to land and natural resource management, Strategic Environmental Studies (KLHS) and strengthening the capacity of local communities in managing their environment.
As the director of the CRU, Arief led the process of institutional independence of the CRU, which begins with the preparation of a road map and the design of the establishment of an independent land and natural resource conflict resolution agency.
Senior Advisor
Ilya Moeliono has more than 20 years of experience working in the development project. This includes participatory action research, conflict resolution, participatory planning and networking in Indonesia. Ilya graduated from Cornell University with a thesis focused on conflict resolution management. He is involved in the publication of several publications on the topics of natural resource management, conflict management and participatory approaches.
Ilya serves as Senior Advisor in the Conflict Resolution Unit.
Operations Manager
Beatrice or called Mella occupies a position as a Operations Manager at CRU. Mella is responsible for processing financial transactions from start to finish, including financial reporting for donors. Mella has more than 8 years of experience in finance and has worked in various organizations including banks, NGOs and private companies. Mella holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from University of Hasanuddin, Makassar.
Engagement & Cooperation Manager
Ginanjar has an interest in conflict studies from students. Precisely when he finished his studies in the Department of Sociology, Gadjah Mada University.
Prior to joining CRU-IBCSD, Ginanjar pursued a career and gained 9 years of field experience in the business world in three different fields, namely oil and gas, palm oil and coal. At CRU, Ginanjar will oversee the process of engagement and communication with CRU partners regarding the implementation of the CRU program.
Deputy Director/Knowledge Management Specialist
Graduated from The Gadjah Mada Graduate School, majoring in Environmental Science program, Rina studied science-based knowledge management and communication for social change. Prior to joining CRU, Rina pursued a career in international development agencies, communication agencies and companies for 10 years. Rina is also active in several community activities, especially those related to the environment and sports.
Program Officer
Yosigara Prihandika completed his studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, Gadjah Mada University. Prior joined CRU-IBCSD, he gained experience in community organizing for approximately 6 years and conducted assessments in conflict management in various institutions. At CRU Yosi acts as Program Staff who will be involved in various CRU programs including conflict resolution.
Program and Monitoring Officer
Agwina Dieta Sadikin, graduate of Computer Science at Gadjah Mada University. Previously worked as a Civil Servant at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. Furthermore, Dieta was involved in managing several communities in Bogor, especially those engaged in empowering women, one of which was the Ibukotahujan community since 5 years ago until now. Before joining CRU, Dieta worked at Komnas Perempuan. At CRU, Dieta will act as Program and Monitoring Officer.
Project Assistant
Hatma Nova Kartikasara, Graduate of Forest Management Science Postgraduate Forestry IPB with a thesis related to learning land conflict handling in the Forest Area. Prior to joining CRU Indonesia, Nova had worked for 10 years in various organisations in the fields of community empowerment, advocacy and research. At CRU, Nova will act as Project Assistant.
No. | Nama Lengkap | Jabatan |
1. | Arief Wicaksono | Anggota/Ketua Badan Pengurus |
2. | Ilya M. Moeliono | Anggota/Sekretaris Badan Pengurus |
3. | Paramita Iswari | Anggota/ Bendahara Badan Pengurus |
4. | Shinta W. Kamdani | Anggota/Dewan Pengawas |
5. | Tony Budidjaja | Anggota/Dewan Pengawas |
6. | Ichsan Malik | Anggota/Dewan Pengawas |
7. | Rezal Kusumaatmadja | Anggota/Dewan Pengawas |
8. | Suraya Afiff | Anggota/Dewan Pengawas |
9. | Kamala Chandrakirana | Anggota/Dewan Pengawas |
10. | Ery Damayanti | Anggota |
11. | Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto | Anggota |
12. | Deny Rahardian | Anggota |
13. | Ngurah Ary Bebassari | Anggota |
14. | Tristam Meoliono | Anggota |
15. | Tiur Rumondang | Anggota |
16. | Ginanjar Tamimy | Anggota |
17. | Rinawati Eko P. Lestari | Anggota |
18. | Beatrice M Mailoa | Anggota |
19. | Laras Novalia | Anggota |
20. | Yosigara Prihandika | Anggota |
21. | Agwina Dieta S | Anggota |
22. | Hatma Nova Kartikasara | Anggota |
23. | Wahyu Mulyana | Anggota |
24. | Andi Rahayu | Anggota |
25. | Nabiha Zaid Muhamad | Anggota |
26. | Muhammad Affif | Anggota |
27. | Dicky Lopulalan | Anggota |
28. | Sylvie Tanaga | Anggota |
29. | Rariq Muhammad Ghani | Anggota |
30. | Agus Pranata | Anggota |
31. | Muhammad Sanggo | Anggota |
32. | Jamandi | Anggota |
33. | Lukman Chakim | Anggota |
34. | Daru Adianto | Anggota |
35. | Sapto Hardiono | Anggota |
36. | Joihot Rizal Tambunan | Anggota |
37. | H. Sunu Pramono Budi | Anggota |
38. | Susila Utama | Anggota |
39. | Andi Adriadi | Anggota |
40. | Untung Widyanto | Anggota |
41. | Lusye Marthalia | Anggota |
42. | Falatehan Zainy | Anggota |
43. | R. Yando Zakaria | Anggota |
44. | Verena Puspawardani | Anggota |
45. | Navitri Putri Guillaume | Anggota |
46. | Muhammad Syirazi | Anggota |
47. | Rangga Dwiyandra Putra | Anggota |
48. | Fidiara Maharani | Anggota |
49. | Yuli Sari Yeni | Anggota |
50. | Basyori Saini | Anggota |
51. | Harijanto Suwarno | Anggota |
52. | Yudi Priyanto | Anggota |
53. | Novi Hardianto | Anggota |
54. | Surya Tjandra | Anggota |