Iranian Red Crescent provides emergency shelter for more than 10,000 earthquake-affected people

11 November 2019
Source: Iranian Red Crescent
Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The earthquake in East Azerbaijan province has killed five and injured 584. Tents, blankets, lanterns and 72-hours food parcels are being sent to the most heavily damaged towns.

TABRIZ/TEHRAN, 11 November 2019 (IRCS) – The Iranian Red Crescent has provided emergency sheltering for 10,472 affected people following the earthquake which struck Miyaneh County, East Azerbaijan.

UPDATED/ Red Crescent Provides Emergency Sheltering for more than 10,000 people in East Azerbaijan Earthquake

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 on the Richter scale hit northwestern Iran in Miyaneh County in East Azerbaijan Province on Friday, 8 November 2019, at a depth of 8 km at 02:17 a.m. local time.

The earthquake has killed five and injured 584, who mostly received outpatient services, according to officials. All the casualties are reportedly from Varnakesh village.

66 people were injured by destruction of their houses, and 518 others by panic or rushing to escape.

The Red Crescent provided emergency shelter to 10,472 affected people in the seven most affected villages. Red Crescent relief workers have set up 2,618 tents to shelter the affected families.

Red Crescent also has distributed 1,336 lanterns, 1,242 food parcels, 3,700 kg plastic nylons, 2,370 blankets, 909 ground sheets, 4,135 mineral bottles and 440 kitchen sets among the people.

The worst damage is reported in Varnakesh village with 40 demolished houses.

This earthquake was felt in the six towns of East Azerbaijan province, including Miyaneh, Tark, Sarab, Turkman Chay, Bostan Abad, Hashtrood, and 145 villages.

The Iranian Red Crescent sent 50 operational and assessment teams, including 190 relief workers and rescuers to the affected regions. The Red Crescent aid workers have rendered relief services to 53 villages.

Furthermore, Two relief helicopters have been deployed for more assess.

“Emergency shelter has been provided in affected areas. Emergency food is also distributed among the affected people. Tents, blankets, lanterns and 72-hours food parcels have been sent to the affected regions.” said Morteza Salimi, head of Relief and Rescue Organisation of the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS).

The 5.9-magnitude earthquake has so far had 153 aftershocks, the largest of which was 4.8 magnitude. In addition to Varnakesh village, other areas have been damaged by fallen roofs and cracked walls. The quake was also felt in West Azerbaijan, Gilan, Ardebil and Zanjan provinces.

The earthquake killed 1350 livestock in Miyaneh and Sarab counties. It also cut the power of 7,000 people in Sarab county, which was reconnected immediately.

Iranian Red Crescent President Ali Asghar Peyvandi visited affected areas in Miyaneh and Sarab counties on November 9. Mr Peyvandi monitored the services which were rendered to the affected people, including emergency sheltering centers by the Red Crescent.